Friday, December 20, 2013

Special Announcement

On Saturday, the 21st of December at 2 P.M. EST, our very own BOG Geneowls will film his first tour of the Ithaca, NY area. Gene will take us on a very in-depth look into the life of 'our' Red-Tail Hawk pair, Big Red & Ezra. For more information as to what Gene's tours will focus on, you can see a summery, here, (skip to 11:30):
If you haven't already followed Gene's Livestream, please do. And don't forget to sign up for email notifications so you will be notified whenever Gene goes live!
Note: There will be a live chat while Gene is streaming, all are welcome to join in.

Hope to see you all there!

Monday, December 16, 2013


Due to the impending holidays I will refrain from posting anymore "Week in Reviews" until the 5th of January.
Merry Christmas everyone! And also have a very Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hawkaholics Week of 11/24/13 and 12/1/13 in Review.

Some of the highlights from the past two week in "Cornell Hawks Land":

(11/28/13) Special Thanksgiving Edition Ferris Tour:
Ferris filmed a special Thanksgiving Day Tour and stopped by Sapsucker and Ithaca.

11/28 Ferris Tour Footage and Videos:
. "Probably Rosie." By Elly:
. "Merlin Hunting."  By Elly:
. "Big Red on Baker." By Ely:
"Clips From Near and At Pheasant Farm." By Elly:
Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip One. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip Two. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:

(11/28/13) Karel Tour:
Summery of the special Thanksgiving Day tour, by Karel Sedlacek:
"We find EZ / BR and a D in the McConville, Muncer Lab, Plantations.. See 12:30 in to see the juvie. We started in the valley near Caldwell and Plantation road. Walked up to the top of ridge near farm.
Spot EZ. Track and BR along 366 working our way across the snowy field. They loop back to the Lab and Caldwell road. We see a juvie a join them (12:30) as one head down to campus and 2 head over to the wooded hill along Caldwell were we started. We see some nice floats and EZ nearby."

11/28 Karel Footage and Videos:
. "Ezra, Big Red and a Juvie Soaring on Thanksgiving." By Elly:
. "Ezra/ Big Red/ D." Courtesy of Karel Sedlacek:

(11/29/13) Karel Tour:
Summery of the November 29th tour, by Karel Sedlacek:
"Primarily at Game Farm. Video froze short of 13 min and recorder refused to restart. Previously, we stopped on campus and saw BR and EZ circle up the Humphrey's Building smoke stacks and engage a juvenile Bald Eagle way up over the cemetery. Thought we had 3 RTHs until we saw the size difference-- flat wings, black under side, no white on head and tail-- huge bird. One of the CU hawks dived bombed the BE.

11/29 Karel Footage and Videos:
. "Game Farm RTH." Courtesy of Karel Sedlacek:

(12/1/13) Karel, BOGette, and BOG Tour:
Summery of the December 1st tour, by Karel Sedlacek:
"The BOGs visit campus and see BR on Bradfield and near holey cow. EZ visits her at Bradfield and then drags her over to 366 so she can keep and eye on him. EZ gets dive bombed by a kestrel while sitting on his pole--"whatever...". We move on to Game Farm and see a few RTHs a Harrier and plenty of vultures. Wander the grounds seeing what we can scare up. Finish up at Sapsucker, yacking and live-streaming the Cornell livestream bird feeders LOL. Enjoy."

12/1 Karel Tour Footage and Videos:
. "BOG's with BR, EZ, Game Farm, Sapsucker 12/1/13." Courtesy of Karel Sedlacek:
. "BR's bark tree dilemma" By Elly:

(12/2/13) Ferris Tour:
December surprise, a Monday Ferris Tour.

12/2 Ferris Tour Footage and Videos:
. "Sapsucker Woods Tour Excerpt One - Sweetie and Rosie." By Elly:
. "Big Red & Ezra on Route 366." By Elly:
. " Sapsucker Woods Tour Excerpt Two - Pileated Woodpecker." By Elly:
. "Sapsucker Woods Tour Excerpt Three - Rosie." By Elly:
. "Tour Summery and RTH at Pheasant Farm." By Elly:
. "Big Red." By Elly:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip One. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip Two. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip Three. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip Four. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip Five: Courtesy of Ferris Akel:

(12/7/13) Ferris Tour:
A snowy Saturday Ferris Tour.

12/7 Ferris Tour Footage and Videos:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip one. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip Two. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker, Clip Three. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Sapsucker/ Ithaca, Clip Four. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. Ferris at Ithaca, Clip Five. Courtesy of Ferris Akel:
. "BR on Clark." By Elly:
. "Pheasant Pharm Clips" By Elly:

(12/8/13) Karel Tour:
Summery of the December 8th tour, by Karel Sedlacek:
"We saw EZ at the athletics field light towers, then later with BR in their new Kissing Tree 4 (I said 3 in the video, but KT3 is the tree near Humphries), an oak in on the slope in front of A.D. White House. They both fly off, but we find and hang out with BR as she sits on the Space Sciences smoke stack. Have a visit with a toast loving squirrel as we watch. Go looking for EZ and find BR again on the antennae of Barton. Have a peak then off she goes to North Campus. We head up Holey Cow..."

12/8 Karel Tour Footage and Videos:
. "EZ / BR." Courtesy of Karel Sedlacek:
. "Squirrel Munches on Toast." By Elly:
. "BR on Barton Antenna." By Elly:
. "Possible New Bark Tree Near Plant Sci." By Elly:
. " EZ Near Holey Cow Field." By Elly:
. "BR on Space Science and Sightings Summery." By Elly:

(12/8/13) Ezra Visits the Nest:
At 9:57 a.m. on Monday Ezra visited the nest do some "nestorations", I suppose. I guess we only had one viewer that was actually paying close attention at the time.
Many thanks to Donna for the screencap she took of Ezra (see below):

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hawkaholics Week of 11-17-13 in Review

Some of the highlights from this past week in "Cornell Hawks Land":

(11/23) 'Our' resident Peregrine Falcon visits Bradfield:
You can see some screencaptures of the Peregrine taken by keysfishin, here:
Also, Elly got some great video of the Peregrine flyoff: //

(11/23) and (11/24) Karel Tour:
BOG's Karels, and BOGette took us on two great tours this weekend, you can watch both of them:

"Peregrine Falcon" -

"Game Farm" -

(11/23) Ferris Tour
This week, Ferris braved the cold, wind, and snow to give us another great tour of Montezuma and Sapsucker, you can see both of the tours, here:

Ferris at Montezuma -

Ferris at Sapsucker -

Note: I hope to post the next "Week in review" on the 2nd of December, I may be a few days late due to the upcoming holiday.

I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hawkaholics Week of 11/10/13 in Review

Some of the highlights from this past week in "Cornell Hawks Land":

(11/15) Big Red and Ezra on Bradfield Hall:
Cam operator (Nomibird) finds Big Red and Ezra sitting on their favorite perch (Bradfield antenna). You can see some screencaptures by the wonderful grasshopper01 and GulfCoastRita, here:

(11/16) Ferris Tour:
This week Ferris went to the Montezuma Wildlife Refuge and Sapsucker Woods. You can watch the recording of the tour:

Ferris at Montezuma -

Ferris at Sapsucker -

If you're a member of the Cornell MT Nest Chatter Heads Yahoo group you may view some screencaptures of the tour taken by the amazing lingreenhalgh, here:

(11/16) and (11/18) Karels Tour
BOG's Karels and BOGette filmed two great tours this week, you can watch both of them, here:

"EZ" -

"BR/ EZ/ D?" -

(11/18) Special presentation by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: "Behind the Scenes with Bird Cams"
If you missed the seminar, not to worry; You can watch the special "behind the scenes" presentation w/ Charles Eldermire, here:

Note: The next "week in review" will be posted on the 24th of November. I apologize for posting a few days late this week.
Have a great rest of the week everyone,

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hawkaholics Week of 11/3/13 in Review

Some of the highlights from this past week in "Cornell Hawks Land":

(11/7) Ezra sighting:
BOG profd spots Ezra hunting over the Plantations.

(11/9) Ferris Tour:
This week Ferris graced us with, yet, another wonderful tour. If you missed it; Not to worry, you can still watch the DVR of the tour:

Ferris at Montezuma

Ferris at Sapsucker -

You can also view some S-caps from the tour, here: (Taken by lingreenhalgh) -

(11/9) Ezra wins an award:
Well, Ezra didn't actually win an award, but our very own BOG Christine did for her amazing photo of EZ. You can see her award winning photo, here: -

Note: I will post another "week in review" on the 17th of November (Sunday).
Have a great week everyone,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week of 10/27/13 in Review.

Some of the highlights from this past week:

(11/1) Karels and BOGette spot 'our' resident Peregrine Falcon on the east side of Bradfield.

(11/2) Ferris Tour:
Here are some great S-caps from Saturday's Ferris tour, taken by lingreenhalgh - (Remember: In order to view these screen-captures you must be a member of the Cornell MT Nest Chatter Heads yahoo group). If you would like to watch the DVR of the tour you may do so, here:

 Ferris at Sapsucker -

(10/27) and (11/3) Karel Tour(s):
This week, Karels and BOGette graced us with three great tours. If you missed them, don't fret! You can still watch the DVR of them, here:

BR and EZ -

Karel and BOGette's FeederWatch cam -

RTHs -

Note: Like I've mentioned before; I hope to start a weekly article entitled "A Hawkaholics Week in Review". It will have a timeline of the weeks 'happenings' and events in the Cornell Red-Tail Hawk cam community. I will post a new article every Sunday, unless a tour is scheduled to be that day.

Have a great rest of the week everyone, and I hope to 'see' y'all soon.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ferris tour 10/5/13

If you missed the Ferris tour last Saturday. Here are some S-caps taken by GulfCoastRita... (Please note if you're not a member of the Cornell Nest Chatter Heads Yahoo Group you will not be able to see the photos)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Big Red on nest

Big Red visited the nest on Saturday 9/14/13 S-caps taken by: GulfCoastRita.. Fullscreen capture 9142013 113556 AM.bmp Fullscreen capture 9142013 113657 AM.bmp Fullscreen capture 9142013 113737 AM.bmp Fullscreen capture 9142013 113907 AM.bmp Fullscreen capture 9142013 115439 AM.bmp

Friday, September 6, 2013


I'm sure some of you are wondering what happened to Blog Chat.. Since it was not really being used any more I replaced it with Dunrovin's Ranch Osprey cam Chat. Here is the link to the cam if you would like to watch it... and
 Thank you for understanding,


Hi everyone,
 I apologize for not posting any thing in a while. I've been neck deep in work. I will try to post more, and hopefully post weekly updates with s-caps from ferris and karel tours. I will be taking pictures from different chatters photostreams. If you post s-caps/ pictures from the tours or other birding pictures on your photostream regularly, please message me your Flickr username (I don't use photobucket, sorry).

Thank you for your patience,


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sunday, July 28, 2013

D-2 (?) at the nest!

Hey guys I know I said I'm taking a break but I just had to post these photos first! D-2/ 3 (?) visited the nest today! Photos by: RedTailRhumba....

                                                        Photo edited by: RedTailRhumba

Saturday, July 27, 2013

BOGette tour 7/27/13

 Here are few scaps from BOGette's tour today...
                                                                By: RedTailRhumba

                                                              By: RedTailRhumba
                                                            By: RedTailRhumba
                                                             By: RedTailRhumba
                                                           By: RedTailRhumba
                                                          By: RedTailRhumba
                                                           By: RedTailRhumba
                                                          By: RedTailRhumba
                                                           By: RedTailRhumba

Friday, July 26, 2013

Blog chat hours for today...

Hey everyone blog chat will be open 5:30-6:30 tonight with Sky modding for her second time. Come join us!

Idenitfying the Ds by the Belly Bands

This is really helpful for those who have trouble identifying the Ds

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A few pics of a Ruby-Throated Humming Bird (female)

A couple of days ago I went on a mission to get a picture of a humming bird and through lots of waiting I got some!

Sky's first day on the job!

Hey everyone! Most of you know Sky has volunteered to mod for Blog chat she will be modding for her very first time at 12-1 today PLEASE come and join us and give her support! RedTailRhumba

Monday, July 22, 2013

An important announcement

Hi everyone, (I'm sending this message to all the folks from the Cam)
I'm going through a lot of stress in my life right now so as of next week I will be taking a weeks break from Blog chat and most other things with the cam. Blog chat will still be open all this week. I will still pop in every now and then on ferris and karel tours. I hope everyone understands. 


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ferris tour 7/21/13

Here are some screen captures from ferris's tour today... BR on ferris tour 7,21,13 By RedTailRhumba: D (?) on ferris tour By RedTailRhumba: D (?) on ferris tour By RedTailRhumba: FerrisTrSn 7212013 83436 PM By pamlefcourt: FerrisTrSn 7212013 83436 PM By pamlefcourt: Fullscreen capture 7212013 73920 PM By Benjammin2013: Fullscreen capture 7212013 73217 PM By Benjammin2013: Fullscreen capture 7212013 73217 PM By Benjammin2013:

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Blog chat is open!

until 8:30-9 is, please come and  chat!

Everyone needs to buy this bird seed!!

Yesterday when I was buying my bird seed for my bird garden I saw this...

Posted by Picasa

Needless to say I was really excited. This will be my primary bird seed from now on!