Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hawkaholics Week of 11-17-13 in Review

Some of the highlights from this past week in "Cornell Hawks Land":

(11/23) 'Our' resident Peregrine Falcon visits Bradfield:
You can see some screencaptures of the Peregrine taken by keysfishin, here: http://flic.kr/p/hLSwqF
Also, Elly got some great video of the Peregrine flyoff: //youtu.be/Pgb1tlorGzg

(11/23) and (11/24) Karel Tour:
BOG's Karels, and BOGette took us on two great tours this weekend, you can watch both of them:

"Peregrine Falcon" - http://new.livestream.com/accounts/3414738/events/2568570

"Game Farm" - http://new.livestream.com/accounts/3414738/events/2573765

(11/23) Ferris Tour
This week, Ferris braved the cold, wind, and snow to give us another great tour of Montezuma and Sapsucker, you can see both of the tours, here:

Ferris at Montezuma - http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/41037790

Ferris at Sapsucker - http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/41041665

Note: I hope to post the next "Week in review" on the 2nd of December, I may be a few days late due to the upcoming holiday.

I hope y'all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hawkaholics Week of 11/10/13 in Review

Some of the highlights from this past week in "Cornell Hawks Land":

(11/15) Big Red and Ezra on Bradfield Hall:
Cam operator (Nomibird) finds Big Red and Ezra sitting on their favorite perch (Bradfield antenna). You can see some screencaptures by the wonderful grasshopper01 and GulfCoastRita, here: http://flic.kr/p/hAz2qd

(11/16) Ferris Tour:
This week Ferris went to the Montezuma Wildlife Refuge and Sapsucker Woods. You can watch the recording of the tour:

Ferris at Montezuma - http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/40825836

Ferris at Sapsucker - http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/40831481

If you're a member of the Cornell MT Nest Chatter Heads Yahoo group you may view some screencaptures of the tour taken by the amazing lingreenhalgh, here: http://tinyurl.com/nymwyqr

(11/16) and (11/18) Karels Tour
BOG's Karels and BOGette filmed two great tours this week, you can watch both of them, here:

"EZ" - http://new.livestream.com/accounts/3414738/events/2551220

"BR/ EZ/ D?" - http://new.livestream.com/accounts/3414738/events/2556833

(11/18) Special presentation by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: "Behind the Scenes with Bird Cams"
If you missed the seminar, not to worry; You can watch the special "behind the scenes" presentation w/ Charles Eldermire, here: http://tinyurl.com/pjgnjjb

Note: The next "week in review" will be posted on the 24th of November. I apologize for posting a few days late this week.
Have a great rest of the week everyone,

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hawkaholics Week of 11/3/13 in Review

Some of the highlights from this past week in "Cornell Hawks Land":

(11/7) Ezra sighting:
BOG profd spots Ezra hunting over the Plantations.

(11/9) Ferris Tour:
This week Ferris graced us with, yet, another wonderful tour. If you missed it; Not to worry, you can still watch the DVR of the tour:

Ferris at Montezumahttp://www.ustream.tv/recorded/40621374

Ferris at Sapsucker - http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/40626215

You can also view some S-caps from the tour, here: (Taken by lingreenhalgh) - http://tinyurl.com/lkpyybl

(11/9) Ezra wins an award:
Well, Ezra didn't actually win an award, but our very own BOG Christine did for her amazing photo of EZ. You can see her award winning photo, here: - http://tinyurl.com/kp67n6d

Note: I will post another "week in review" on the 17th of November (Sunday).
Have a great week everyone,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week of 10/27/13 in Review.

Some of the highlights from this past week:

(11/1) Karels and BOGette spot 'our' resident Peregrine Falcon on the east side of Bradfield.

(11/2) Ferris Tour:
Here are some great S-caps from Saturday's Ferris tour, taken by lingreenhalgh - http://tinyurl.com/mbchu44 (Remember: In order to view these screen-captures you must be a member of the Cornell MT Nest Chatter Heads yahoo group). If you would like to watch the DVR of the tour you may do so, here:

 Ferris at Sapsucker - http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/40418249

(10/27) and (11/3) Karel Tour(s):
This week, Karels and BOGette graced us with three great tours. If you missed them, don't fret! You can still watch the DVR of them, here:

BR and EZ - http://new.livestream.com/accounts/3414738/events/2501345

Karel and BOGette's FeederWatch cam - http://new.livestream.com/accounts/3414738/events/2518473

RTHs - http://new.livestream.com/accounts/3414738/events/2519226

Note: Like I've mentioned before; I hope to start a weekly article entitled "A Hawkaholics Week in Review". It will have a timeline of the weeks 'happenings' and events in the Cornell Red-Tail Hawk cam community. I will post a new article every Sunday, unless a tour is scheduled to be that day.

Have a great rest of the week everyone, and I hope to 'see' y'all soon.