Sunday, July 21, 2013

Ferris tour 7/21/13

Here are some screen captures from ferris's tour today... BR on ferris tour 7,21,13 By RedTailRhumba: D (?) on ferris tour By RedTailRhumba: D (?) on ferris tour By RedTailRhumba: FerrisTrSn 7212013 83436 PM By pamlefcourt: FerrisTrSn 7212013 83436 PM By pamlefcourt: Fullscreen capture 7212013 73920 PM By Benjammin2013: Fullscreen capture 7212013 73217 PM By Benjammin2013: Fullscreen capture 7212013 73217 PM By Benjammin2013:


  1. RTR, how do I send you future screen caps for putting up here?

  2. Hey Avery, there is also a full set of captures from the Ferris tour, including several of yours, on my blog.
